Babies are the best peacemakers

March 10, 2009 at 3:28 am (Uncategorized) (, , , )

I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again- no bodyguard like a baby. No seriously, and this time the New York Times agrees with me.  In their recent article, check it out , they talk all about how babies bring out people’s best and best behaved sides. I know this is true because when I used to work as a nanny for a family of missionaries that had chosen to live amongst their flock in the ghetto of Oakland, CA, I found that having a baby with me made  me feel much safer. It lessened the aggression of the men my age. The baby inspired positive interactions  between myself and neighbors of all ages. People smile at you more when you have a baby. They assume there is no need to harass you or sell you drugs.  The fact that the baby I had with me was of mixed race was even handier. It was like a  bridge between me and the people of color around me at the time, like- hey she’s white but she can’t be all bad- she’s got a mixed baby with her.  I personally totally recommend babies as bodyguards myself.  Babies making the world safer. I am concerned however after reading that the cooperative mode of parenting is what distinguishes us from chimps that we are regressing.  It basically says that trust is what modern society’s sucess is based in and we  are losing it big time . People are getting way greedy with their babies, not letting other people even so much as look at them.  I’ve worked for people who don’t even trust their family members as caregivers. I used to see this as an extension of  the whole overprotective disaster minded parent but now I can tie it to de-evolution. Whoah… scary…. people share your babies please before its too late !!!! Also check out where I got the whole idea of peacemaking babies at 

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